Jainism is one of the oldest religions and I believe it meets your requirments of no purported revelation, enlightenment from a supernatural origin, or mystical connection with a supernatural world. The worlds oldest known religion, Zoroastrianism, also claims no devine revelation. It's founder, Zoroaster, based the religion off his philosophical views of creation, existance, and the condition of free will.
Coded Logic
JoinedPosts by Coded Logic
Religion without revelation - any examples from the past?
by EdenOne ini'm researching on the common trait of mostly every religion coming from pre-humanist times, and that would be, the notion of "revelation", that is, that at the beginning of every [i say this with caution because i'm admitting to exceptions] religion there is some sort of "revelation" from supernatural being(s) of some sort.. my question is: do you know of any example of religions from the past that you can confidently say that were exempt from "revelation"?
this is not the same as asking if there were religions without gods, or religions of nature.
i'm not even considering what i understand as philosophical-ethical systems, such as confucionism or platonism my purpose is to find out if, at the starting point of all religions of the past, there is a "revelation", or merely "observation / contemplation".
Peoples favorite toy
by Coded Logic ini really do miss christopher hitchens.
truely a brilliant mind.. "first, i've said repeatedly that religion cannot be taken away from people.
it is their favourite toy.
Coded Logic
I really do miss Christopher Hitchens. Truly a brilliant mind.
"First, I've said repeatedly that religion cannot be taken away from people. It is their favourite toy. And it will remain their favourite toy as long as they're afraid of death.
Second, I hope I've made it clear, that I'm perfectly happy for people to have these toys, and to play with them at home, and hug them to themselves and to share them with other people who come around and play with their toys. That's absolutely fine.
However, they are NOT to make me play with these toys! I will not play with your toys. Don't bring the toys to my house, don't say my children must play with your toys, don't say that my toys -might be a condom - are not allowed by your toys. I'm not going to have any of that! Enough with clerical and religious bullying and intimidation. Is that finally clear? Have I got that across? Thank you!"
See? It's all in the mind!
by cliff inhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-29939672.
Coded Logic
" The team believes when people sense a ghostly presence, the brain is getting confused: it's miscalculating the body's position and identifying it as belonging to someone else."
Way cooler than actual ghosts! I love science :)
Coded Logic
Independant thinking! AHhhhh!
God is not an element both in religious fanaticism and atheism alike
by exWTslave inin my intimate conversations with many of my atheists friends i have found that their real problem is the human rights abuse of the religious fanaticssomething which god hates (not the lack of proof for gods existence) (means when the religions went to one extreme, their opponents go to another extremethus god is not at all an element in religious fanaticism and atheism alike) atheists shun, belittle or resist proofs for the existence of god, because they fear it will only further strengthen the religion from which the fanaticism arisethus object of atheists attack is fanaticism (not god) .
hence what atheists do is really a service to the humanity (while fanaticism is a crime against humanity).
hence when the atheists ask for proof for the existence of god, one need not take it seriously.
Coded Logic
This claim is demonstrably false. The "natural" state of matter is constant velocity - NOT rest. A state of "rest" is not possible inside our universe. The motion of objects can only be measured in comparison to other objects. Our universe is in a state of perpetual and increasing expansion. There is no such thing as zero speed.
God is not an element both in religious fanaticism and atheism alike
by exWTslave inin my intimate conversations with many of my atheists friends i have found that their real problem is the human rights abuse of the religious fanaticssomething which god hates (not the lack of proof for gods existence) (means when the religions went to one extreme, their opponents go to another extremethus god is not at all an element in religious fanaticism and atheism alike) atheists shun, belittle or resist proofs for the existence of god, because they fear it will only further strengthen the religion from which the fanaticism arisethus object of atheists attack is fanaticism (not god) .
hence what atheists do is really a service to the humanity (while fanaticism is a crime against humanity).
hence when the atheists ask for proof for the existence of god, one need not take it seriously.
Coded Logic
Motion in our universe comes from the four fundamental forces and space/time expansion. No supernatural explination required.
The existance of energy is proof that energy exists. It is NOT proof that something exists outside of space and time. And it's NOT proof of any kind of creative agency.
"I don't know how this works - therefore God." Is not a sound logical argument. You cannot solve one mystery with another mystery. You cannot explain one unknown by postulating the existance of another unknown.
Please see the formal logical fallacy of argument from ignorance: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_ignorance
Yay!!! Rebranding!!!! It's all so clear!
by DATA-DOG ini apologize for not posting all the info with hi-lights, but it's nothing you geniuses can't figure out.
i have no laptop and can't use the wife's, it's too risky.
there are two websites i checked out, just out of curiosity.
Coded Logic
I think they've been too smart with their rebranding for it to be done in house. I wonder what third party company they had come in and do all this.
Favorite Episode of Star Trek
by Coded Logic incalling all tos, tng, ds9, voyager, or enterprise fans, what's your favorite serries and why?
and what's your favorite episode and why?.
(too many choices on netflix for me to decide which to watch right now).
Coded Logic
Calling all TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, or Enterprise fans, what's your favorite serries and why? And what's your favorite episode and why?
(Too many choices on Netflix for me to decide which to watch right now)
Why the WTBTS is liable for Sex Abuse Cases
by Coded Logic inthe problem isn't just that kids are getting raped by people in their congregation.
the problem's also that anytime someone has "serrious charges" brought against them the elders add notes to that jws publisher file.
and, if the elders don't take the matter to the police or, as is often the case, tell the victims families not to take it to the police either, this establishes a level of accountability.. take daniel fitzwater for example.
Coded Logic
The problem isn't just that kids are getting raped by people in their congregation. The problem's also that anytime someone has "serrious charges" brought against them the elders add notes to that JWs publisher file. And, if the Elders don't take the matter to the police or, as is often the case, tell the victims families not to take it to the police either, this establishes a level of accountability.
Take Daniel Fitzwater for example. He had complaints from 20 seperate witnesses reporting abuse on file at the Watchtower branch. But since none of the complaints met the "two person rule" nothing was done to him.
(9minutes 40 seconds in)
Who knows how many other repeat offenders the WTBTS has on file. I'm not sure making all official directions come from the CO instead of the branch is going to make the Society any less accountable.
How many lawsuits can the WTBTS absorb?
by Coded Logic init seems like the society has been desperately seeking ways to cut costs and boost reviniew (jw.org, kingdom hall programs, etc) over the past four or five years.
is this because donations are actually down?
or have they been preparing themselves for these lawsuits?
Coded Logic
It seems like the society has been desperately seeking ways to cut costs and boost reviniew (jw.org, kingdom hall programs, etc) over the past four or five years. Is this because donations are actually down? Or have they been preparing themselves for these lawsuits? If so, how many can they possibly absorb. Ten million dollars a pop is not sustainable even for a corporation as big as the BORG. And how long before the R&F start seeing these cases in the news all the time? The more cases in the spotlight - the more JWs will come out with their own bad experiances. Creating even more lawsuits.
Even if they changed their 2 witness policy today there are still hundreds of potential lawsuits from molestations that happened over the past few decades.